What steps can you take to prevent international child abduction?

On Behalf of | Jan 10, 2018 | Child Custody |

If you had a child with a foreigner and the relationship between the two of you has become acrimonious, you may have concerns that your child’s other parent may attempt to abduct your son or daughter and flee to his or her home country. At the Law Offices of Beverly L. Brennan, P.A., we have counseled many clients who fear their former partners may attempt to abduct their shared children, and we have a firm understanding of the steps you can take to minimize the chances of such an occurrence.

Per the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Consular Affairs, one of the most important things you can do as a parent who suspects the other parent may attempt an abduction is to act quickly. Arguably one of the most effective steps you can take to help prevent international child abduction involves securing a court order. The details of such court orders will likely vary from one situation to the next, but you may be able to secure one that prohibits your child from securing a passport, traveling by airplane or what have you.

While a court order may be your best bet at preventing your child’s other parent from taking him or her out of the country without your knowledge, you would also be wise to notify your child’s school and daycare about your concerns. You should also make sure local authorities are aware of your situation by providing local agencies with a copy of any court orders secured.

If your child has dual citizenship in the United States as well as your former partner’s home country, this can complicate matters. In addition to notifying local law enforcement about your situation, you may also want to contact the embassy or consulate in the other country and make sure they are aware of your concerns.

This information about preventing international child abduction is informative, but it is not a replacement for legal advice.

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