Some people in Florida who are getting married might want a prenuptial agreement. This can be useful for individuals who are bringing assets into the marriage they want to protect or who have children from a previous marriage.The property that people bring into a...
Month: November 2019
What reasonable parenting decisions sometimes look like neglect?
Being a parent is a difficult, expensive and often thankless role. While you may get your proverbial payment in the form of the love you feel for your children and the joy of watching them grow, the stresses of parenting seem to only have become more intense since the...
Dealing with parenting long-distance after divorce
While getting a divorce and splitting custody of the children can be difficult for Florida parents, this can be even harder if they live a long distance from one another. The quantity of their time with their children may be less, but parents can focus on making sure...
Know how to handle a toxic ex during divorce
The decision to divorce is never one to take lightly. While there are some people who can work toward the legal end of the marriage in a mature manner, others can't. Instead, one party is left dealing with a person who is toxic. This makes an already difficult...