Being a father can be one of the most important jobs a man ever has. If you are going through a Florida divorce and trying to develop a parenting plan, you may worry that you aren’t spending enough time with your children. At Beverly L. Brennan, P.A., we assist clients in creating parenting plans that help you move past the turmoil of divorce and on to the next chapter in your life.
If you haven’t spent much one-on-one time with your children, you may have concerns about doing the right things for them. Happy You, Happy Family, published some simple but important things that kids want from their dads.
- Establish a routine that works for you and them, then stick to it. Find things that you can do together every week, whether it’s sitting down to a meal together or helping them get dressed. It doesn’t need to be big things. The time and regularity make the activity special.
- Show your interest in their lives by asking about school, things they love, what they worry about and what they look forward to doing. It may be tempting to try to fix their problems, but in the end, that is not what they want. They just want you to listen.
- If you are a sports fan, teach them the rules as you watch the game. They may learn to love the game because you do, and it gives you something to share.
Hearing stories about your childhood, looking through family photos and giving hugs are things your children treasure now and when they are grown. If you want to spend more time with your children than the current parenting plan calls for, work with your ex to make changes that satisfy you both. Visit our webpage for more information on this topic.