Factors that can affect a marriage can vary greatly in Florida. However, one of the biggest factors includes what industries the spouses are involved in. A company called Flowing Data created a study to test which occupations can inadvertently affect divorce outcomes. The results suggest that people working in occupations like administrative work, protective services and personal care services have a higher likelihood of filing for divorce. Conversely, occupations such as military, computer science and architecture have lower rates of individuals divorcing.
How do occupations in creative fields like music affect the likelihood of divorce?
The study shows that the average divorce rate for professional musicians hovers at a little over 30%. While this is higher than other occupations such as forestry, health care and library workers, this is a much lower percentile than people in fields such as law, finance and retail. Therefore, the likelihood of musicians divorcing is far lower than the media would have you believe.
However, it is important to consider that there are two main types of musicians: those working in recording studios or orchestras and similar places of work in contrast to musicians who go on tours or work as stage workers. Musicians whose work primarily involves traveling and touring are at a greater risk of divorce. This is because musicians who work in this manner are more likely to be subject to performance anxiety, long absences from the home and a general breakdown in communication. Scientists speculate that this distinction negatively skewed statistical outcomes.
Do you have concerns about your artistic spouse?
There are many successfully married musicians such as the lead singer in Black Sabbath and Sharon Osbourne, popstar Beyoncé and famous rapper Jay-Z, and others. Still, it is understandable that you would be more concerned about marriage if your spouse frequently goes on tour. If your spouse fits into this category, you may want to consider talking with a family law attorney to help you navigate your personal situation.